I've Been Blogging! meh, i looked for the c programs from my latest C class but they sort of up and dissapeared on me i think my best bet for finding them is running through old emails. Although i really rather not. I email a lot but they should still be saved in there.
Nothing really worth putting up besides some old pointer assignment and i wouldn't have put up the code anyway making that kind of pointless.
C has kind of become my default language whenever i write something for some reason or another. Not that any of my programs really get all that complex but it can be useful.
I'm on the fence about whether i'm going to put up any assembly assignments, even if i did they should only work on a single intel processor. It's really more about the learning process so it seems. Although it might be fun to program a single chip like robotics or something i might be a little ways away from that just yet.