Monday, October 25, 2010

Upgrading the Website

Still haven't done much, but i added a button to ARC, i doubt anyone cares but i'm going to follow up and make sure they're ok with it. Doubt anyone actually comes here often besides me though. Still need to do a lot to the website, in a java class right now maybe i'll make something useful at some point? Don't know at this point.

I want to make individual pages for each of the header buttons. That way things can be bookmarked, although i liked the fact that everyone had to come here because it gave me an acurate reading of how many people have seen my website. Thinking about fixing up the about me section to but i haven't thought of a new layout yet, i can atleast throw my facebook/deviantart/myspace/youtube accounts on there.

I'm thinking about setting a goal to create atleast one game a year as a side project, i really want to make something worthwhile but nothing has hit me yet. Learning java is probably a good step in the right direction though. I'd also like to own my own island some day but that might be asking for a bit much.. i'll put it on my wishlist :P

Monday, October 11, 2010

Java and Pre-Cal

Spent a long time getting my head in the right place, i'm hoping i'll be the efficient perfect brilliant techie i was born to be... yeah maybe i'm being a little optomistic about the future?

I'm taking Java and Pre-cal again but this time i'm doing pretty well in pre-cal. Need to get my head in the game when it comes to java though, believe it'll really help me in the long run when it comes to programming.. thought it'd be cool to make a game or something and put it up.

Ideally i want to build a better blog kinda thing and make it generally better but you know.. for the moment i'll be happy to get a certain uniformity in the website. hopefully i can manage it before the battery on my laptop dies. Need to find a way to change the background in css to... think i can add a number behind body or something..we'll see.

Holloween it coming up, wondering if there'll be a party and whether i'll need to dress up.. Maybe i'll be a mad scientist :) Anyway that's all for now.