Sunday, December 9, 2012

Finals around the corner

Very late update, but i've gone about a year without updating before so i suppose it shouldn't be all that surprising. I'm currently drinking a glass of ice water as I continue a staring competition with my physics h/w. i have a feeling it won't turn out well for me though as it doesn't have any eyes. So i might as well get started but it's been a long day and i'm trying to slow my head down which feels like the inside of a carnival at the moment. I turned off the music which i hope helps, not that this stuff needs to be done tonight or anything but finishing it today just gives me more time to study in the long run.

The website isn't really much of a concern at the moment, although it's always something i think about. i'm sure it could be better, and i'm planning on taking a php and mysql online class next semester. Not sure if it'll be of great use but becoming a better programmer and a better person has an intrinsic value in itself. Oh and my art skills are improving, i can only go a couple of months without sketching something so i guess it's inevitable. i use 3X5 note cards, since i have plenty and it limits the scope of time i can spend on them, which is good. I've got other things to worry about on my plate :P

Anyhow, watch out doomsday, if you see Zombies walking around don't get to close! They Bite!

See you Space Cowboys

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Time for Physics

Projects were Fail, i got some bug and didn't ever figure out what it was. A peculiar bug; it appears as though it should be working.. but honestly it's a side project and i don't want to dump days into it right now when no one will probably ever look at it again. LD is going on right now but once again i fail to participate, i might be able to swing together a java game or a text based C program but for "evolution" as a theme i can't imagine what i'd make.. and i'm just nervous about school can't really concentrate on some 48 hour insomniac driven game competition right now, i'm probably about 150 pages into reading these books and i have no idea what i'm supposed to be reading exactly; classes start tuesday and i'm just wracked with nervousness. Atleast i petitioned for my Associate degrees before the end of the world, they might even get here before Cthulhu arrives and kills us all :) Or whatever is supposed to happen.

I never really gave the whole "Mayan Calendar" thing a lot of thought, they wrote it on a circle so it seemed logical that they just ran out of space. People who read into these things seem to think there's something up with it though so maybe i'm underreacting, it's just hard to take the apocolypse seriously after the whole Y2K scare 12 years ago which amounted to nothing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer School

It has begun a 6 week English Writing class. I don't imagine much of a problem with it but i've heard a couple times that i'm crazy for taking it over the summer, but you gotta do what you gotta do. (Atleast it's not Calc right?) I tried working on a little "adding" program i made awhile back by implementing a Doubly Linked list class i made.. last year. Sadly things aren't going so well, and i haven't really had the time to sit down and work on it, i would like to set up a day for working on it but i haven't figured out which yet. New schedule and all want to get used to it first before i start deciding when i'll do what.

Oh and the web cooking show ended up being a flop, there were certain technical difficulties and it wasn't all that organized, i'm not really "giving up" but it'll probably be a little while before i attempt it again.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Finals are no longer among us

Well it felt like Final Nightmare, or some equally cool sounding thingy... ergh something. Why do i always make log post when i'm tired? Well no matter! On i shall go! .Finals were wicked, i spent a lot of nights getting 1-3 hours of sleep which kinda sucks. I can't imagine how people do the full on 4 hours every night thing. I'd go insane.

Anyway finals are over and i created a todo list to keep me busy. Some things are website oriented and some are just life. Been drawing a bit lately too, but it's mostly copying stuff.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Finals are Among us.

Alright, it's been study study study, for the last couple weeks and somehow it looks like that's going to pick up.. yaaay, fun. But atleast i should be getting some sort of paper degree soon, not my ultimate objective but i'll keep at it.
Not much to say, i'm not entirely sure what i wanted to do to the website next but i've been thinking a tutorial section, and i'm going to start making cooking shows :P you konw, a sort of youtube thing. It'll probably suck at first but it seems like a fun thing to start making video's about. That's all i have to say for now, looks like i missed the latest Ludumdare so that kinda sucks.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Ok maybe i'm a little late for the whole April fools day thing, atleast from where i'm sitting.. Time Zones and all.

Sooo.. Still in school, Psych started up and i got Calc 2 and Systems programming in unix keeping me busy :).. well it's tough. Programming class has it's neat parts though, we're currently working on a server/client program. Kinda neat, using "sockets" Sadly this is limited to just the computer, no playing with ip address stuff's but maybe some day...

In other news i wasn't able to ftp to the website for about 4 months...... this explains the loong delay between posts. I'm not working on any side projects at the moment though..I already had to cut up my spring break between my 3 classes. Not very fun might i add. Sooo Study Study Study.. I'm actually doing this very late, just trying to point out that i'm still alive and kicking, and i do try to update atleast once a month whether i have anything valuable to say or not.

Future plans: Maybe a tutorial section, and i might create some youtube video's for fun :)