Friday, August 22, 2008

Stat Counter

Ok so i have finally moved over the website.. sure it still needs some work, but i figured screw it. it'll be fiine. On another note, this stat counter thing is starting to piss me off.. i just don't know where to put it.. I can turn it off.. well make it invisible but i'm lazy and i don't want to check my account to see how many people have visited my site.

Yes the jig is up, i didn't make it.. i probably could i guess but i don't know java and whoever made this one did such a good job, it's set so my IP doesn't trigger it and if you visit within half an hour of your first visit neither will yours. Kind of accurate.. Now if there were a place to put the damn thing.. Oh well, i'll save the problem for another day.

Future Self = Actually uses Google Analytic.. and i highly recommend it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Php-ing up the site

It seems like i'm losing a lot of info in the transfer, but i wouldn't get rid of if it really seemed all that important. My main concern is the website feels less aesthetically pleasing. I will work on that once i get everything down i guess, i've been hanging out with some friends for the last few days so i've been slowing down here and there.

But, i have classes starting up next week so i'm going to have to work my ass off to get everything working in the next couple of days.. guess that means i'll have to work on it while the suns out..

Note From Future Self:

The website actually ended up looking better in the long run, sadly it had some cooler looking pictures and effects before, but now everything is a lot easier to manage.. and all of the links work!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fixing up the Website

At this point i had decided to fix my website from static pages to having PHP includes for EVERYTHING. which was fucking stupid because it made the whole website exist on one page.. Plus i was using form butons which people straighted me out on a couple years later.

Basically reading through these as i post them.. and i might just end up re-writing some of them..

 Archaic Website post:
Well, i've been working on the new Template for awhile now. I doubt anyone is going to read this unless i make them lol, so i guess nobody is really waiting for it or anything. I'm pretty dissapointed with how it looks at this point. Although it will function a lot better and allow me to make updates pretty easily.

I do plan on making it look prettier but for the time being it is what it is. I should have it up and running pretty soon, i want to get it working before my winter classes kick in.

It's going to be a lot of work when i get to converting the whole website so it will take awhile once i get started up. Hopefully nothing loses to much aesthetically speaking.