Monday, June 20, 2011

Java Calculator and Cannon Attack

Wow it's been 20 days since my last update. Okely Dokely. I've begun my Conceptual Physics class which won't help my coding at all. Because it's conceptual.. Little to no math involved. I really want to make a side scroller and i have a feeling physics will help in it. but some of the principles seem pretty simple. Like gravity has a downward force of 22mph/s and Acceleration is Force divided by mass. I believe even that should be enough to put some interesting effects to use.

Of course i haven't made much headway as of yet. I'm currently working on a sort of Space Invaders Clone i named it cannon attack. Probably going to have one ship. I'd put up an example but sadly at the moment i'm having trouble exporting a jar file and getting it to work. I keep getting an error because i believe the jar is having trouble finding the images. So i exported my calculator i made in java instead. I'll keep trying to figure out what's wrong with Cannon Attack though. It's kind of pointless to make a game if no one can play it.
Java Calculator. I'd suggest checking the source code out if your into java. it's not that complex but i thought it was somewhat clever..