Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I wrote a new program that displays Recurssion. It's just something i thought up while sitting in a C class, but it might be worth checking out for whoever might be having trouble with it.

Recurssive Program   You can find the syntax in the Project section.This link used to point to the EXE, which i believe is not as useful as the syntax. So now it takes you to my C programming projects instead. Where you can find the program and run the exe if you trust me, or the syntax if you have any use for it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Website has Content Now

Updated my Projects page.. it now has most of the C projects i worked on when i was younger.. by like 3 years.. Well i made them when i started working on this website.

Anyway, the projects section has something and C is actually a page now, i added the exe files in case you can't view the source code. Mainly put them up for me as a reference, the CD i was keeping the files on got pretty scratched up. Plus i can access these from anywhere so that's cool.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Monthly Updates!

I've been mulling around how to update the website for the last month. The best i can really do is do an update once a month, although i might have to start that next month atleast i can do a little log update here.

I've been planning on putting a bunch of C programs in my projects page. I wanted to add the ones i'm currently working on but it sounds like my Cprogramming teacher might reuse some of his projects from year to year.. Not exactly the same thing but close to it and i don't want to creat a dilemma for him. Maybe i'll post the final exe though? i'm sure that would be fine, it won't really show the true essence of the program but it's better then nothing.

I've been looking forward to doing this little AE tutorial i saw a long time ago. But things keep coming up, if i actually get to work on it i'll be sure to post the final result. Well that's all i have to say on that..