Sunday, December 9, 2012

Finals around the corner

Very late update, but i've gone about a year without updating before so i suppose it shouldn't be all that surprising. I'm currently drinking a glass of ice water as I continue a staring competition with my physics h/w. i have a feeling it won't turn out well for me though as it doesn't have any eyes. So i might as well get started but it's been a long day and i'm trying to slow my head down which feels like the inside of a carnival at the moment. I turned off the music which i hope helps, not that this stuff needs to be done tonight or anything but finishing it today just gives me more time to study in the long run.

The website isn't really much of a concern at the moment, although it's always something i think about. i'm sure it could be better, and i'm planning on taking a php and mysql online class next semester. Not sure if it'll be of great use but becoming a better programmer and a better person has an intrinsic value in itself. Oh and my art skills are improving, i can only go a couple of months without sketching something so i guess it's inevitable. i use 3X5 note cards, since i have plenty and it limits the scope of time i can spend on them, which is good. I've got other things to worry about on my plate :P

Anyhow, watch out doomsday, if you see Zombies walking around don't get to close! They Bite!

See you Space Cowboys