Sunday, December 14, 2008

Finished my C class

I uploaded a C program.. exe only. Last one of the semester for my C class.

I might put some more work in to the website over the break but i gotta go job huntin', Plus I thought i might start up a game project with a friend. If it's anything small enough i might put it up in projects.

I would also like to see if i can get this stupid window to stay in the middle of the screen..

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Today i learned the importance of tidy coding

I went back and reformatted an old ASCII program that would display the ASCII character for each number.. it's kind of neat.. But it was done half assed i can only imagine i was coming up to a deadline and didn't finish in time.

Anyway it's here that i learned how horrible my coding practices were, so i went through it and fixed it so people could actually read it.. Which seems much more important now then having compact code, or "clever" code.. being able to read your code and manage it later, or making it easy for other people to read/edit your code is extremely important. It makes everything easier and one of the most important assets you have to take into account while coding, isn't performance but the amount of time you spend implementing something.. Why make it harder for yourself in the future?

Anyway, that's what i learned from this bit..

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Spider Killer!

I killed a spider! and i started putting up current projects in C++ just exe's so far there's 1 that i've done from this class. It may look a little unimpressive but some work did go into it. I would love to post the syntax but i'm afraid the teacher might reuse syntax and i wouldn't want to do that to him.

All in all i might make it a little reference page for myself. Somewhere i can run off and grab code so i don't have to start from scratch every time.

I want to start putting projects up in Visual Basic but i haven't quite gotten to it yet.. Those projects are right out of a book that's probably considered out of date by now so i wouldn't have a problem posting them when i do get around to it.

Beyond that.. nothing really planned, i probably won't do much for a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I wrote a new program that displays Recurssion. It's just something i thought up while sitting in a C class, but it might be worth checking out for whoever might be having trouble with it.

Recurssive Program   You can find the syntax in the Project section.This link used to point to the EXE, which i believe is not as useful as the syntax. So now it takes you to my C programming projects instead. Where you can find the program and run the exe if you trust me, or the syntax if you have any use for it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Website has Content Now

Updated my Projects page.. it now has most of the C projects i worked on when i was younger.. by like 3 years.. Well i made them when i started working on this website.

Anyway, the projects section has something and C is actually a page now, i added the exe files in case you can't view the source code. Mainly put them up for me as a reference, the CD i was keeping the files on got pretty scratched up. Plus i can access these from anywhere so that's cool.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Monthly Updates!

I've been mulling around how to update the website for the last month. The best i can really do is do an update once a month, although i might have to start that next month atleast i can do a little log update here.

I've been planning on putting a bunch of C programs in my projects page. I wanted to add the ones i'm currently working on but it sounds like my Cprogramming teacher might reuse some of his projects from year to year.. Not exactly the same thing but close to it and i don't want to creat a dilemma for him. Maybe i'll post the final exe though? i'm sure that would be fine, it won't really show the true essence of the program but it's better then nothing.

I've been looking forward to doing this little AE tutorial i saw a long time ago. But things keep coming up, if i actually get to work on it i'll be sure to post the final result. Well that's all i have to say on that..

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pizza is Good

Well, i haven't dissapeared or anything.. i'm thinking about adding a C programs page, but i won't be able to do that this weekend.. well it's monday but it's a holiday so i'm considering it the weekend.

Anyway.. busy weekend can't really do much but i thought i might as well do a log update. I have big plans for the About me section.. Oh and for the people who ask me.. "What's this website for?"

Well, basically it's my website.. i could make one so i did. Plus i was using it for awhile to track the process of a D&D game but now i'm pretty much using it as a crappy portfolio.. And i suppose the about me will have things like Trips i have gone on.. I also want to put a forum in at some point.. but i have a feeling i'm going to have to make that and seeing as i haven't before.. it won't be easy.

May all your Endeavors bring you to Pizza.. for Pizza is good... Good Day.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Stat Counter

Ok so i have finally moved over the website.. sure it still needs some work, but i figured screw it. it'll be fiine. On another note, this stat counter thing is starting to piss me off.. i just don't know where to put it.. I can turn it off.. well make it invisible but i'm lazy and i don't want to check my account to see how many people have visited my site.

Yes the jig is up, i didn't make it.. i probably could i guess but i don't know java and whoever made this one did such a good job, it's set so my IP doesn't trigger it and if you visit within half an hour of your first visit neither will yours. Kind of accurate.. Now if there were a place to put the damn thing.. Oh well, i'll save the problem for another day.

Future Self = Actually uses Google Analytic.. and i highly recommend it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Php-ing up the site

It seems like i'm losing a lot of info in the transfer, but i wouldn't get rid of if it really seemed all that important. My main concern is the website feels less aesthetically pleasing. I will work on that once i get everything down i guess, i've been hanging out with some friends for the last few days so i've been slowing down here and there.

But, i have classes starting up next week so i'm going to have to work my ass off to get everything working in the next couple of days.. guess that means i'll have to work on it while the suns out..

Note From Future Self:

The website actually ended up looking better in the long run, sadly it had some cooler looking pictures and effects before, but now everything is a lot easier to manage.. and all of the links work!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fixing up the Website

At this point i had decided to fix my website from static pages to having PHP includes for EVERYTHING. which was fucking stupid because it made the whole website exist on one page.. Plus i was using form butons which people straighted me out on a couple years later.

Basically reading through these as i post them.. and i might just end up re-writing some of them..

 Archaic Website post:
Well, i've been working on the new Template for awhile now. I doubt anyone is going to read this unless i make them lol, so i guess nobody is really waiting for it or anything. I'm pretty dissapointed with how it looks at this point. Although it will function a lot better and allow me to make updates pretty easily.

I do plan on making it look prettier but for the time being it is what it is. I should have it up and running pretty soon, i want to get it working before my winter classes kick in.

It's going to be a lot of work when i get to converting the whole website so it will take awhile once i get started up. Hopefully nothing loses to much aesthetically speaking.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Video Editing

Haven't done much for the website.. I'm a very unmotivated person by nature.. If you have come here for the D&D story part... Well if you've played you know how hard keeping a group together is. So maybe sometime if i start playing again i'll start adding more but that's it for now..

I have been learing how to do video editing, with super cool effects and everything! But my Digital Camera isn't a Video Camera.. thus making the video quality pretty damn bad. Still fun.. just a little harder.. and less impressive..

Thursday, May 15, 2008

PHP Party!

well i've been playing around with this php code stuff in my free time, and i came up with this awhile back. But it hasn't really been accessible through this website anywhere so really no one knew.

Anyway i plan on adapting it to the website eventually.. not sure when i'll be able to get on it though.. Just thought folks(the few that actually check the site?) might care.. LINK

Monday, May 5, 2008

First update

Alright, well it's been awhile since i put anything here, not to say i haven't been using the website. I do want to make imporvements on it as it is a little outdated :P
Since that last post with the Sushi Bar which had very good food, i have gone to many Sushi places. I've noticed that the places that the Sushi places that you have to buy it by the item instead of the buffet's seem to have better food..
Anyway, on to the website... I plan on making it better and changing it up a little bit. Probably not to some great extent but after my classes finish up i'll have a little more time on my hands. So you can expect updates or whatever.. Plus it might end up a little more user friendly.