Wednesday, February 23, 2011

GA finally works

Google Analytics is finally working. only took about 6 hours. I filtered out my ip adress.. so i'll probably have less hits now :( i also did a bunch of other shit.. it was a productive Web Dev Day. As you may have noticed all of my links are now html-ish. I plan on having floating drop down lists in the future.. i just haven't done it yet. It's going to be a lot of work when i get around to doing it..

I've also made it so you can bookmark specific pages if you want to.. except the D&D section.. which i'm contemplating leaving like that.. That way it feels more like an application.. and it all just loads in the same page.. like "magic" i don't know.. might be dumb i'll think it over later. For now i'm just gonig to imagine that i'm done with the links and come back to it later.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Google Analytics

Moving over to google analytics.. so i'm really going to miss the stat counter that told me that i was popular.. kind of.. i miss it already. hopefully the new one will give me better reports.. and it's by google so obviously they know what they're doing. I don't know if it'll ignore my ip adress though.. my old one did..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crushed Pride

This Web Dev Day invovled a lot of hurt feelings and crushed pride as i asked for suggestions. Next Web Dev day will involve much demolition and reconstruction. In all fariness it was time for me to rebuild it, i just didn't expect it to require so much of a difference right off the bat, but i guess there's no helping it.

The Layout is going to change immensely.. and it might look crappier at first.. But i think in the long run everything should end up more "Stream-lined" I have a rought idea of how i want it to look but web dev day is over. So it'll start next time..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Invention of "Web Dev Day"

Well I've decided that wednesday's after class will be my "Web Dev" day. Website certainly could use some work after all so i think it'll be awhile before it reaches it's final stage. I do have an idea of how i would like it to look, and i had a huge burst of creativity the other day about how i wanted it to look but i forgot to write it down.. so i don't remember now..

Well first update down, for the weekly updates. It may not have any obvious impact to any visitors. But i cut the website up between several webpages. So 1. it's possible to bookmark a section not a particular page yet though. and 2. there's a lot less code on each page. Which should make everything i alot simpler.
Before everything was looking like spaghetti code.