Sunday, July 31, 2011


Girlfriend went out of town and brought me back a fancy beer :) Put me in a good mood. it's 8.2% alcohol by volume.. which is  a lot more then the beer i usually make.

Oh yeah i brew beer in my free time. I have about 8 bottles of Scotch ale left sitting in the fridge. Anyway this kinda put me in a good mood and i thought i'd share :D

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sound Works!!!!

Cannon Attack!!
Getting sound to play in this has been a nightmare. And i don't even have background music for it.. but having a sound play when the cannon shoots is pretty cool. I can finally make more progress.. The alien AI really needs a lot of work, and it would help if i did a lot of small things to help the difficulty rise as you go along. Among other things..

Only took over 2 weeks to get it to work and then export it to a jar.

Captain America

I saw it in theatres, i was never a big comic book fan.. but i just didn't get it.

His super power was that he was a wimp, then he took drugs and now he's a superhero? And his big super power is that he's no longer wimpy. I just don't find it all that impressive..

On another note i might end up merging this blog with my website. Not sure if i will yet though.. i have a little archive file from the last 5 years that'd i'd like to set up on here.. and i don't really want to throw that away.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I found this great new blog on productivity!

Oh and i got sound working in my game, so that put me in a good mood :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Went to the fair

It's pretty famous for coming up with interesting foods that would probably give you a heart-attack by the end of the day. I haven't been in about 15 years but it was fun.

While i was there i tried chocolate covered bacon which wasn't as impressive as i was hoping for. But bacon has surprised me  before, it goes pretty well on a Sunday. They also had "fried butter"(i was to afraid to try this) and at the same stall had several different types of foreign food including scorpions, kangaroo and racoons on a stick..

in other news there's a new it comes with crayon physics and vvvvvvv which seems to be popular..

Edit: i sketched something up, then redrew it in the computer.. so yeah.. it takes me awhile to come up with this stuff.. i think it's because i'm just out of practice.

My art style is somewhat inspired by jhonen vasquez. In all reality i sort of end up drawing this way anyway.. buut i'm not so great with adapting things to toons. So i hope this will work out in the future. The idea of using goemteric shapes to make up the character kind of makes things look better without giving it to much thought.

All the same i still need practice, so hopefully this blog will kind of force me to do it.

Monday, July 25, 2011


it's the theme for the next mini-ld which i "might" enter.. i don't know.. if i can get sound working i should be able to manage a top down shooter.. so "war" would be possible.. but it's a tough call.. i really don't know.. I'd like to give it a shot.. but i still haven't gotten the moving sprites thing down.. so i have a bit to learn and only a week to do it..

Anyway i came across this article and thought i'd share::Bad Ass Soldiers

I managed to doodle a bit, it isn't all that impressive but i'm not going to share right this second, i'd have to go figure out the scanner. and i have a large todo list today.. plus i want to add sound in my game today if i can swing it. tomorrow will probably be mostly studying for a test in physics.

So much to do so little time..

Sunday, July 24, 2011


It's surprising how hard to add sound to a game can be. I was hoping to have this done by the end of the weekend(it is now the end of the weekend.) Given i only spent an accumulated 3-4 hours on it within the past 3 days..Things come up.. mostly drinking with friends and family so i can't really complain.. I haven't made a sketch yet so i should probably get one done within the next few days.. Forcing yourself to draw is really the only way to get any better.. so it's 1 step a time.

Anyway i hope to fix my sound tomorrow.. Just 1 sound.. that's all i'm asking for, then i'd be happy :) Then i'll build a class to handle said sounds and expand upon it. Afterwards i can get into particle effects and menu's and stuff. should be fun.. well kinda.. sort of.. It will be for me.. i want this game to be fun.. but right now it's kind of lame. and exceedingly difficult.. i could just make the pictures larger but i was hoping to do an affine transformation.. because it kind of made sense.. And i should probably learn how to do them anyway. Making bigger pictures is just be running away from the problem, i still wouldn't understand them and i probably should take the time to learn them.

Was also looking through notch's Breaking the Tower code hoping it would impart onto me some cool coding wisdom.. and i was hoping he'd have a good example of how to do sound.. which he might. I don't know, his code is still pretty difficult for me to grasp. But i feel i'm better now.. i might be able to decode it to some level if i spent some time on it. But the way he handles sound is still a bit above my head, i think he's streaming it.. he said it's generated on the fly somewhere so i just can't manage that.

So apparently Slick2d has an easy way of managing sound.. or it's OpenAL or something like that which is accessible by lwjgl which is accessible through Slick2d and there we go :) Once i get sound done i'll work on fixing the gameplay to be more entertaining and i will try to add some cooler effects. Right now it's rocking the Classic Asteroids graphics.. which i have no intention of changing mind you. But some cool explosions and particles effects should make things cooler.

Anyway, till tomorrow. Hopefully i'll get a sketch done and put something up.. since that's why i made this blog..

Friday, July 22, 2011

G+ really seems to be kicking off

G+ really seems to be kicking off. Although lets face it, Google is basically a modern day Midas. Given Apple might be doing better in the phone market, but that really is their forte.. And they have the trust of the people.. from selling them overpriced over secure crap.

Over security is nice when it comes to phones, keeps people from being able to make free phone calls and doing things that would otherwise make them happy. Which is a no-no in the world of electronics. Look at Microsoft they hate their Customers.. Loathe them. Don't trust them to be able to look at their own system files among other things.. But that's how they get ahead in this world. Hide everything behind the scenes, tell you it's good for you and charge you for it.

I sometimes wonder if video games were designed for Linux, and it wasn't so scary for the non-computer literate to start up, whether we'd have a larger trend of people walking away from the corporate giants that hold all the strings..  Well one step at a time.

Anyway it's cool to see google+ doing so well. The circles are kind of awesome so i'm looking forward to it getting more popular. No sketches as of yet but i'm going to work on it.. At some point i'm going to have to get better if i want to design games.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So it Begins

Going to try my hand at making a sketchy blog thingy.. I hear all of the cool kids are doing it.. Plus it'll give me an excuse to sketch more which i think i might end up getting some use out of in the future so it's important to keep those skills up.

Nothing to show at the moment, i don't really feel like trudging along to the printer and i haven't drawn anything yet. i'll try to do something at-least once a week though.