Thursday, May 12, 2011

Finals Coming up

Once again i have made alterations to the website.. i started out by adding padding to all tables.. and then getting rid of a bunch of tables in log and archive. you can't tell the difference by looking at it but it's a lot of extra weight shedded.. didn't realize i could make it look EXACTLY THE SAME. was worried about that but we live and learn :)

Finals coming up.. fun.. Actually i've already taken care of all of my classes except for one already. Calculus my arch-nemesis. I might walk away with a B in it if i do well on the final. It's perfectly feasible. And since the class is 5 units i'd really rather have a B in it then a C. But of course that will take a lot of studying over the coming week. And since i'm missing the first week of Calc 2 once the semester is over it's not like i get to stop studying calculus lol. I have something worked out with my Calc 2 teacher but it requires me to study Calculus over the summer. So yeah.. for better or worse i'm going to get better at calculus. Of course on the bright side i'll be better at calculus so i can't really complain in the grand scheme of things.

Well killing off all the tables in my archive page has dropped the size of the file as well, which i'm happy about. i hope to change most of my tables into div's at some point. I also talked to someone about contrasting and colors and hues.. which sounds like a big headache but i may be changing some of the color scheme soon. After finals of course.

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