Thursday, May 26, 2011

Replacing Tables with Div's

Good news and bad news. Good news is that i replaced a bunch of tables with div's which are more lightweight, sleeker, faster, better looking. They load faster and take up less space on the server while looking exactly the same as the tables did.. well where they're being replaced anyway. The bad news is i have a lot more tables to get rid of and it's not really "fun" going through the code to replace them. On the other hand it makes my website look more professional and of course that's a good thing.

Killing time on break, hope to find a job and get some projects done while waiting for the next semester to start. And of course i have to work on Calculus for the second class. (I got a B in Calc 1!) I think i might make Tic Tac Toe, and put up a couple of old game projects in a game section.. i know tic tac toe isn't very impressive but we all gotta start somewhere. Currently reading a Java game design book, but it seems to have been written for beginners so it teaches about the language java which i don't really have a problem with. It's fine though, i have a lot to learn about java Graphics and Game design, and the table of contents is intriguing.. Apparently it gets into multiplayer games which as i understand it is a bit of a nightmare, so it's cool to have a book that gets into it.

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